Branding the feminist reptilian brain

When our unwitting ally Big Red (god, I hate that name – it impugns a fine Texas soft drink product, much like “drinking the Kool-Aid” did. And those in Jonestown actually drank cyanide and Flavoraid, not Kool-Aid, oh, yeah) was plagiarizing part 4 of Lindy West’s article during Red’s menstrual show in Toronto, she said quoted this:

“Feminists do not want you to commit suicide. Any pressures and expectations that lower the quality of life of any gender are part of patriarchy. The fact that depression is characterized as an effeminate weakness, making men less likely to seek treatment, is part of patriarchy.”

Mere moments later, when confronted with the reality of male suicide, she sang, famously, “Cry me a River”.

In addition to outing herself as a liar and plagiarist, Big Red’s rapid cycling of feelings (caring about men’s lives…and then, not so much) can be called many things – disingenuous. Mercurial. Bi-polar. Incoherent. Blathering. Gaslighting. In this case, another term suggests itself – Reptilian.

A common female tactic for shaming men involves an appeal to men to share their feelings of weakness or vulnerability, and then, reacting with revulsion and rejection of those men who are actually trusting enough, or gullible enough, to take a woman who does this sort of thing at her word.

In an article in the Atlantic, author Andy Hines relates a discussion with Brené Brown regarding the gender politics of shame:

“Most women pledge allegiance to this idea that women can explore their emotions, break down, fall apart—and it’s healthy,” Brown said. “But guys are not allowed to fall apart.” Ironically, she explained, men are often pressured to open up and talk about their feelings, and they are criticized for being emotionally walled-off; but if they get too real, they are met with revulsion. She recalled the first time she realized that she had been complicit in the shaming: “Holy Shit!” she said. “I am the patriarchy!”

Brown is describing the same cycle as Red demonstrated: ask about men’s concerns, and then, shame them for it. What fabulous allies such women are: clearly, we can trust them to handle our issues for us with all the effectiveness and sensitivity they are so well-known for.

If we want to lose men’s rights, that is. Attention, femmies: we don’t, and we won’t.

In the current vernacular, the revulsion against male weakness is said to originate in the human female’s reptilian brain – an unconscious, primitive instinct so powerful that it overrides higher, more rational desires. A putatively rational woman might genuinely want her man to open up about his feelings (Brown claims we should embrace vulnerability in order to live wholeheartedly) but if that happens, that silly lizard in her head won’t stand for it…and the lizard scares her rationalization hamster so much that the hot guy she knows from the gym is about to replace her husband in her vagina.

This notion – that we are somehow not responsible for our emotional (reptilian) urges – is yet another facet of how feminists shirk their obligations to adulthood, and their agency. Rather than seeking to understand why they behaved in such an unflattering way so as to shame a man she offered trust and understanding to, the feminist, whose only worship is to her own feelings, rejects her own promises of support and shuffles away, scuttling her pretense of human worthiness.

Men hate such women for the same reason that everyone hates traitors: they cannot be trusted and they will inevitably betray and destroy everyone and everything they claim that they love.

A real person – a real human, worthy of building and supporting human community – keeps their promises. They self-examine and fight feelings that conflict with their commitments. When they fail – and we all inevitably do – they own their failures and strive to make recompense to those they have hurt or wronged. They apologize, and feel gratitude when they are forgiven.

Unlike feminists.

A recent poll by the feminist Huffington Post found that only 20% of Americans identify as feminists – but that 82% of Americans identify with “men and women should be social, political, and economic equals,” which is the supposed definition of feminism. Only 9% of Americans explicitly reject gender equality.

Let that sink in for a moment – feminist ideals are more popular than self-identified Christians (78.4%) in America, and yet feminists themselves are so detested that only 20% of people (23% of women) identify with them.

Feministing writes this off as a “branding” problem – as in, “oh, my, these shoes aren’t Jimmy Choo’s at all” – rather than an indictment of their abusive reptilian desires run visibly and obviously amok.

It has been a decade now since the Onion declared: Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does and yet still the feminists don’t grasp what a brutal joke they have become – and everyone is now in on the joke except for them.

Since you STILL don’t get it, feminists, here is why you have become such a joke: victims generate compassion, but perpetual victimhood is loathsome. Equality of opportunity is worthy; equality of outcomes is bullshit. Your privations were worthy of addressing but your comforts are your own responsibility. Rape farming with the intent of the casual destruction of men and dilution of the needs of real rape victims is scabrous.

Now, whatever rhetorical value the notion of a reptilian brain in humans might have, in scientific terms the notion is outdated and something of a barrier in current studies of the brain and human psychology.

A barrier just like feminism and gynocentrism have become when seeking human equality, justice, and compassion.

Brands are for the slaves of feminism. Freedom is better.

If you are a mangina (16% of men identify as feminists) who is starting to have doubts about feminism, try an experiment – go to your nearest feminist slavemaster and tearfully confess your weaknesses to her – I mean, let it all out, just like they claim they support. When she curls her lip, laughs at you, and tries to shame you, it is okay for you to rise up like a man and walk away from her without a backward glance. Do that, and for the first time since you became a feminist, she might even begin to respect you a little bit.

And that odd feeling you will get will be you, learning to respect yourself, and other men like you.

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