A short lesson in reality

When you foster a culture of female entitlement, you get two net results. One, you get a lot of women that seem to be deluded into thinking they can engage in any sort of conduct they choose with no expectation of consequences. And two, you get the occasional woman who has a very fucking rude awakening.

We saw that not too long ago in the case of Rayon McIntosh, and we see it here in this street altercation that was caught on video.

I think what is seen here should make a good topic of discussion. Obviously, the woman was assaulting, or attempting to assault the man in the video – repeatedly. It also looks like he had other options that did not involve that level of force. But one question that deserves to be answered is whether or not he should feel compelled to exercise any other option than what he did.

Was what he did self-defense? Was it overkill? Are we obligated morally to use restraint with women when attacking men? Or are all bets off? Ya takes a swing, ya takes ya chances.

One matter of interest here to me is the absolute lack of anyone in that scenario that appeared to take the white knight stance.  I was half expecting the guy to be attacked by the other men, but what we saw was a message of caution delivered to women in general about going on the physical offensive with men.

No chivalry on that street for sure, but was this more than just her stepping over the line?

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