
Naomi’s sweet honey-hole

Sometimes, men need to regain some perspective – back away from the fray, take some deep breaths, and re-center themselves around that one thing that matters most in all the universe – the vagina. The galactic spiral of cosmic creation positively drips with reverence for the goddess-mummy-lover, and a worthy Jason Gregory seeks to kiss the ring of power in all its divine, scientific glory-holiness. May the limp dicks abide forever. [Lines by Europa; Spot colour by Typhonblue]

Panthers only: others need not apply

A “Jaguar” is supposed to be an older woman who is independent, stands on her own, and expects nothing from men except a good time and maybe an equal partnership. Do you think you find many of those for real at places like Jezebel, or just self-entitled bitches who pretend to be like that?[Illustration by Europa Phoenix]