
JudgyBitch a traditionalist?

Janet (aka JudgyBitch) Bloomfield, AVfM media director, has received an attack from the Meangirl department for being a “traditionalist” or “gynocentrist.” Here Janet sets the record straight in a personal account of her journey through university and on to eventual family life.

The spirit of chivalry (1818)

Traditionalists and feminists share a common dream of entitled women; traditionalists maintain conventional entitlements for women, while feminists work to extend the range of those entitlements. In 1818 Sir Walter Scott detailed how chivalry is the force that makes all this possible.

A voice for men: MGTOW-central

A Man Going His Own Way, Peter Wright has been in the men’s movement for over 20 years. More than just a political movement, the men’s movent is about men discovering the value of self-determination and individualism: celebrating it and encouraging it to change the cultural zeitgeist. And Peter’s got a bone to pick with certain attitudes that have emerged within the movement.

Evolution of Understanding

The continually escalating narrative of “protecting” women by affording them ever greater protection and privilege above and beyond the legal rights of “bad” men is designed to produce a society in which nobody has legal rights except for the members of a few banking families. Not even women will have human rights in that world, because the men who would have protected them will be, and are being reduced to the legal status of furniture and appliances.

A Letter to Traditional Women Revisited

But where it concerns activism, men’s best interest and the voice that emanates from this forum, it is my not so humble opinion that any woman who likes “real” men who spend their days carrying a load she doesn’t feel obligated to share is no friend to the men and boys in this culture who now find themselves in such desperate trouble.