Really stupid feminist shit

PZ Myers jokes about rape

PZ Myers, no stranger to fuckwitery, really pulls out all the stops in this latest stunt. While having one of his blow-hard online discussions, this one about the Facebook censorship campaign, PZed actually tells a rape joke during a discussion on how to censor other people for doing the same. Fuck you, PZed.


The “kill all men” hashtag has been making the rounds as a hot topic in the feminist community of late. Some of them, like’s Mary Elizabeth Williams, have been making the case that it is not such a good idea to enable women to be jerks – while she looks the other way at much greater evils.

Leaping labia of lunacy

Dan Perrins had the dubious responsibility to report on the latest fashion trend for feminist activists. Dressing up like a vagina and making sure that people can’t say anything they might disagree with. Thanks Danny, we owe you one for the effort.