One volunteer away from a false accusers registry

In the comments archmage_lo, just pondered aloud on the idea that a registry for false accusers might be a good idea.

I could not agree more.  In fact, it would seem to be a necessary protection of civil society.  But of course, as almost all false accusers are women, the idea for that registry will not find its way into the rabble rousing rhetoric of your local politicians. That kind of incitement is saved for targeting men.

However, as MRA’s we are used to doing things for ourselves when our society fails us, which is pretty much at every turn.

So with that I am calling on anyone who sees false allegations as a problem to step up and help with some of your time.

Start the AVfM False Accuser Registry.

How this is done is simple. Just gather up a list of proven false accusers of sexual assault, DV, child molestation or any other crime usually prosecuted against men on allegation alone, and send it to me.

The information should include the following.

Accusers name, not the name of their victim

Link to source story.

And, whenever available:

Their picture

Personal information like home address, place of employment, phone numbers, age, date of birth, etc.

Name of prosecutor on the case

The punishment/lack of punishment received

All this will take is one good MRA to step up and pour the foundation on this one. 15-20 would be a good start, and then we can add from there as they come up or as people point to ones we have missed.

If you look in the right column you will see that I have made a special banner for Michael Kimmel and his cohorts in misandry.  I will make a similar sized graphic leading to the registry page.  It will become a permanent and growing part of this website.

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