Why should we fight?

The following Blog entry was posted on AVFM forums by one of its members, Maxx. It is edited and republished here with his permission. ED

Not so long ago the party line from the cultural left was this;

And anyone raising any sort of concern or calling for caution was shouted down for being a racist or bigot.

Now in the wake of the wave of alleged sex attacks perpetrated on white western women by members of immigrant Muslim gangs across Germany during NYE celebrations, white western males are once again being called (and shamed) into action.

It’s on ‘us’ apparently to defend ‘our’ women from the unwanted attention of these unwashed savages. Or so the mainstream gynocentric (suddenly conservative-led) narrative goes, anyway.

Let’s consider a couple of key questions in relation to this unfolding story…

1) CAN the average western male effectively defend ‘his’ women?

2) SHOULD the average western male risk his life to defend the average western woman, regardless of his ability to effectively do so (or lack thereof)?

3)And who exactly should he consider to be ‘his’ women worthy or ‘his’ protection anyway?

Those who share his race? Those who share his wider culture? Or those that qualify for that honor on merit?

I’ll attempt to offer my own answers these questions below…

The short answer to question 1 (as far as the average western male is concerned) is ‘no’ he probably can’t.

Muslim gangs KNOW the average western male is in all probability not remotely willing and/or able to defend the honor of ‘his’ women anyway.

And in truth why would or should he be anything else…?

Let’s look at the evidence…

Outta the blocks he’s probably raised by a single mom after feminist law makers gave his vindictive mother free reign to extract his father from his life totally.

As a boy his ‘rough and tumble play’ and practical ‘hands on’ learning style will have been diagnosed as ADHD and medicated outta him, leaving his brain a mess of unconnected spaghetti strands. If he’s not wearing a dress and demanding everyone call him Daisy he’s doing well enough as it is.

As a youth, he’ll have been labeled as a ‘creep’ and a ‘jerk’ for daring to even offer to buy girls he likes a coffee or plucking up the courage to tell one of them that their hair looks nice today.

As a young office worker he’ll have been threatened with redundancy for laughing too loud at his desk, or speaking in an aggressive manner that his female co-workers found ‘threatening’ and ‘triggering’ when he was tirelessly attempting to close deals over the phone and make his company money.

He’ll have had his wrist slapped like a school boy more times than he can remember simply for ‘being a man’, in trouble with HR departments at work for things like sending nude images of hot chicks and crude joke memes to male co workers on the work servers, he’ll have been reprimanded for eating a beef stew at his desk because a vegan female co-worker didn’t like the smell of it. Encouraged (Read; bullied and coerced) to convert to vegetarianism by women in his office who didn’t think it was ‘appropriate’ or ‘considerate’ for him to be eating meat in their presence on his lunch breaks.

And you expect THIS man, THIS man….that you have systematically reduced to a timid vegan mouse afraid of his own shadow, this man that you have beaten into submission at every turn throughout his life……to suddenly ride into battle pitch fork in hand on behalf of ‘his’ women?

As if he’s some kinda alpha werewolf that was cross-bred with a Spartan?

Ain’t gonna happen.

And Muslim gang bangers across Europe are clearly smart enough to have figured it out already.

Any man that even actually IS a fucking man in the western world today has arrived there IN SPITE of the toxic secular progressive culture that has surrounded him since his birth….not because of it.

He very probably doesn’t feel he owes the average western woman jack shit. And nor should he.

He certainly doesn’t owe her a duty of care that he’s obligated to place his life at risk to honor.

He grew up on Buffy the Vampire slayer remember.

It taught him that women didn’t need or want physical protection from men and that it was offensive for him to even dare suggest otherwise.

Guuuuuurrrrlll power, right?

Besides the obligation of men to protect women goes hand in hand with an obligation on the part of said women to dress and act responsibly.

And western women opted outta that obligation long ago.

And assuming (for argument’s sake) that a given western male CAN effectively protect ‘his’ women, because he trains in martial arts, lifts weights, is handy with a gun, blessed with great size or strength or is otherwise for some reason or another ‘useful’ in some sort of protective capacity.

Whom should he consider to be ‘his’ women worthy of ‘his’ protection anyway?

Personally speaking ‘my’ women are already protected by me.

The group of women I deem worthy of risking my life to protect is a limited and VERY exclusive group.

I’m not a gladiator, nobody owns me. There isn’t a sign around my neck that says ‘will fight and die for anyone with a vagina’.

I ain’t anyone’s guard dog. I don’t ‘bite’ on command.

I don’t need to place my life at risk for female approval or validation.

‘My women’ isn’t a group limited to women belonging to ‘my’ race. My own racial profile is ‘complicated’ to say the least.

I wouldn’t really know which side I’m supposed to go into bat for anyway.

And as for women that share that same (western) culture I do? Hell the majority have treated me like their enemy and attempted to stamp out the very masculine qualities I happen to have that they are now apparently suggesting I should be calling upon in their defense.

They were the ones constantly telling me I was a monster for being ‘too masculine’…now all of a sudden they wanna claim I’m a coward and a pussy for not being masculine enough to jump to their defense and risk my life without question because certain members of immigrant Muslim communities from war torn hellholes didn’t turn out to be the cuddly secular progressive teddy bears those liberal textbooks and media said they were?

‘My’ women is a small private members club…Applications have gotta be approved. And are often summarily revoked without prospect of appeal.

-My girlfriend, date*, lover or wife.

And even as far a my ‘date’ goes I’m only gonna throw down to ‘defend’ a woman I’ve already fucked. And sometimes not even then.

I ain’t gonna rise to the chump bait on a first date or within minutes of meeting a chick I’m hitting on of getting aggressive with another dude in order to assert my ‘claim’ over her. Been there done that. It’s embarrassing behavior. The lowest form of pussy-begging there is.

Guys that are tripping over to fight each other over women they’ve just met are a fucking disgrace and ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Who else is in this exclusive club called ‘my’ women then?

-My mom
-My daughters
-My sisters
-My close female friends (Not that I have many strictly platonic ones)
-My female relations and direct blood relatives (and not unconditionally, I’m related to plenty of female douches and feminists)
-The wives or long term girlfriends of my close friends or my male relations (with same qualifier as above)
-Any female child I know and/or am related to.

If anyone wants to fuck with any of these women they damn well better make sure I ain’t around to see it because we are certainly gonna have a problem.

I will not risk my life for the (distant) prospect of a BJ by fighting to ‘prove myself’ to women I met five seconds ago in a bar. Fuck that.

I will not risk my life for female approval or a pat on the back or because anyone is gonna try to shame me for not wanting to dive into mortal combat with a 16-man Syrian gang in defense of some club rat skank I don’t know and have never met and who’s drank so much that her eyes are pointing in different directions and she’s walking in zig-zags.

I’m not Spartacus, I’m not Batman. This ain’t a fucking movie.

This is my life and my health we are talking about.

Forgive me for being a little discerning about who I’m willing risk those things for at the drop of a hat.

I will not assist a group people (random western women) when even in actually assisting them I place myself at risk of being falsely charged with a serious crime (like attempted rape or attempted abduction) or indeed attacked myself by an individual or group of white knights that have misread the situation.

I will not run the risk of misreading the situation myself, for example rushing in to protect a woman that’s playing the damsel but is in fact part of gang (serving as the ‘bait’ to lure good men with expensive wrist watches into a beat down/robbery or worse).

I will not swing punches at a man who’s beating on his own girl in public and run the risk of having her turn and attack ME on HIS behalf.

She picked him.

I’m not responsible for her life choices or the negative repercussions that might arise from them.

I’m not a dog.

I won’t bite and growl and fight and die to protect an ‘owner’ that has systemically abused me for longer than I can remember.

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