Some thoughts on Casey Anthony

I have been watching what seems to be everyone in the world lately fume about injustice.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone, is up in arms about Casey Anthony. Virtually every Marvin and Matilda Middleclass in the land of the Promise Mall has stopped eating their Cheese Covered Whackyfries™ just long enough to express their outrage over a dead little girl and her guilty as O.J. mother getting ready to take a walk.

“How could this happen!?” has echoed off every office cubical in the nation, with vigor and huffy indignation.  The same question has spread through the media like a malicious rumor and blue pill bloggers are doing their best to conjure up something that passes for an answer to peddle to their hostile and baffled readers.

Let me ‘splain something to you. If you have been one of those people asking aloud to anyone who will listen, “How could this happen?” the answer is simple.

Because YOU allowed it.

Because if you are unplugged enough from reality to have missed the, say, last fifty years of gender insanity in western culture, then the problem is, in fact, you.

And has been all along.

Let me ask you some questions.  How did you react when Mary Winkler spent a total of 67 days in jail for shooting her husband in the back with a shotgun, as he slept?

Where was your outrage when Debra Lafave got off with probation for raping an underage boy?

Did you scratch your head and lament the injustice in the world when Lorena Bobbitt got away with sexually mutilating her sleeping husband, or did you crack jokes at the water fountain with the rest of the world?

Did you write any angry letters to your congressman or to the editor of your local newspaper when Crystal Gayle Mangum got off scot free after being busted lying about being raped – at the expense of three innocent men? How about the same for Danmell Ndonye who lied about being raped by five men at Hofstra University in New York?

Bet you didn’t.

Fact is, we have a growing problem of violence and criminality in women in this culture, and the criminal justice system, aided by your depraved indifference, is bending over backwards to make sure they can keep committing crimes.

The Anthony case wasn’t even that extreme.  From women who toss their babies into dumpsters to die, to husband killers, rapists, pedophiles and false accusers, we let them off as fast as they can ruin, or end, the lives of other human beings.

We have practitioners of chivalry on one side of this issue; feminists on the other, and your ignorant ass in between.

Little Caylee’s chances at justice were screwed before the “trial” ever started.

Are you aware of just how far out of hand things have become?

Did you know we have an epidemic of female teachers molesting both male and female students? Did you know that in Great Britain they are pushing to make lighter sentences for female criminals the default setting; that they are in fact exploring the idea of ending women’s prisons altogether?

Did you know that he sentencing disparity between women and men is greater than that between any other groups of people, including race?

Do you know that women, and women only have a plethora of special defenses to murder available to them, from battered wife syndrome to post-partum depression to PMS?

Do you still not know how Casey Anthony got off?

We live in a world that increasingly refuses to punish criminals who possess a vagina.  Yes, even when there is a dead toddler in the trunk of a car.

After taking a walk on her false allegation, Crystal Gail Mangum went on to commit a string of other crimes, most of which were also ignored, till she finally murdered her boyfriend.

Her violence, which was met with indifference by authorities, escalated till someone died.

Excuse me, allow me to ask again. Do you still not know how Casey Anthony got off?

Yes, now you do.  If you read through the links provided in this article, you certainly have to know.  The question that remains is simple.

Do you care?

And if you don’t that is fine. But you have to admit, if you are going to quit caring because the answers don’t suit you, then you really didn’t care about justice to begin with.

You want extra cheese on those fries?

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