Wrongfully convicted William Mullins-Johnson files $650,000 fraud suit against Christine Rupert

AVFM EXCLUSIVE Sault Saint Marie, Ontario, Canada

William Mullins-Johnson has filed a $650,000 civil claim against Christine Rupert in Superior Court for fraud.

William Mullins-Johnson (who prefers to go by Bill Mullins) was wrongfully convicted of rape and murder in Canada. He spent many years in prison. After his release from prison in 2005, but still a convicted felon, Bill moved to Toronto while awaiting appeal of his conviction. He had always maintained his innocence and wanted to be near where the ensuing legal proceedings would be held. His mother left her Sault Saint Marie home to stay with him, acting as his surety so he could stay in Toronto. In 2007 his conviction was finally overturned at the court of appeal. He was truly a free man.

Subsequently, a multi-million dollar award for wrongful conviction was advanced to Mullins in October 2010, creating a major media buzz. To avoid the relentless flurry of media calls, Mullins decided to drive out West for two months with his then-new girlfriend, Christine Rupert. But Bill soon began to believe Christine had a drinking problem. After getting very drunk one night at the Casino, she became belligerent with Bill, who then began to think he wanted no part of a woman like that. He told her to go upstairs and pack her things. Bill drove her to the Vancouver Airport, gave her $700 for a flight back to her home in Kitchener, and broke off the relationship.

The following morning, according to Mullins, Christine begged to come back. She had spent the night at the airport instead of leaving for Kitchener. Bill’s decision to allow her back would eventually prove to have serious consequences.

Christine Rupert-William Mullins June 2012
Christine Rupert & Bill Mullins
June 2012

According to multiple sources, Rupert had begun courting Mr. Mullins in and around the time she knew he was about to receive a $4.25 million dollar settlement for his wrongful conviction and malicious prosecution. The essence of the Mullins Statement of Claim is that Christine Rupert committed fraud from day one to defraud Mullins of his millions. She waited the 3-year period normally establishing common law marriage to occur, then immediately filing her Application in Family Court against Mr. Mullins. There is evidence that she very carefully orchestrated this fraud.

An on-line friendship had fostered between Bill and Christine in the years prior. They eventually met at her home and adjoined with Canada Court Watch advocates to rally against Children’s Aid and Judicial abuse in Canada. Ontario CAS had strongly lobbied for his wrongful conviction. During this time, Christine begged Bill to take her out of Kitchener where she rented a home. She moved in with Bill in August, 2010 in Sault Saint Marie, Ontario.

Using the proceeds of his settlement, Mullins purchased a large 3,500 square foot house in Huntsville, Ontario. The two of them moved into the 42-acre property in Huntsville in April of 2011. This is where Bill thought he would form a family with Christine.

Bill had wanted a camp-site getaway near the water, but Christine talked him into buying a second house in Bracebridge instead, convincing him to rent out the Huntsville property instead. Leveraging the Huntsville property, Mullins purchased a second home in Bracebridge, Ontario. The couple moved in February, 2013. This new property, situated on the Muskoka River near Santa’s Village, has been described as a 3,500 square foot mini-mansion, with a beautiful full stone fireplace and the finest amenities. Bill put Christine on the title of both homes, as well as on a joint bank account to manage their finances and properties. Bill was in love.

001-Rally picture
Canada Court Watch members at rally

The relationship between William Mullins and Christine Rupert became troubled early on. On June 11, 2011 Bill caught a glimpse of something unusual on Christine’s FaceBook “Cafe World” game–messages from a fellow player asking her to call him. This resulted in a heated argument as Bill questioned who this was who was secretly messaging her to call him. In response to this query, she said she wanted to leave. She was free to leave, but Bill would not allow her to take his truck, and they began quarelling.

Unbeknownst to Bill, Christine dialed 911 during the argument. Hearing only an argument, the Ontario Provincial Police used GPS satellite technology to pinpoint the exact location of the originating cell call. Two  officers showed up followed by an ambulance. Bill was shocked and could not understand why the police or the ambulance were there. He asked them what they were doing there. The officers explained the GPS gave their location and they wanted to know how Christine was doing. One officer went into the house to speak with her while the other spoke with Bill. Bill said that they only had an argument. Meanwhile, in the house, the older officer found a small amount of marijuna inside the house and threatened to arrest Mullins.

Bill told the officers to leave. He also told the OPP officers he had been abused by police before and believed they intended to abuse him now. The police left while the ambulance took Christine without explanation. No charges were laid and he never saw those police officers ever again.

Unable to ascertain where Christine was by texting, calling, or emailing her, Bill managed to get word from a common friend, Suzanne LaFlamme, who texted that Christine had a stroke and was in the hospital. Christine meanwhile claimed to others that she was in a woman’s shelter. According to Bill, it turns out Christine was actually in Kitchener, which is where Bill finally caught up with her. They talked in her truck, and Bill wanted to know what was going on and how long she had been in Kitchener. She said she did not know and seemed she had not slept in days. Bill then left Christine in Kitchener. Two years later Bill found evidence she had been smoking crack during this time in Kitchener.

Various sources have been contacted by this reporter, confirming that Christine Rupert had her children taken due to extensive drug use. William Mullins-Johnson had to be present for Christine’s supervised visitation with her then 9 year old son because of this.

A number of days after the encounter in Kitchener, Christine called Bill in Huntsville. They met at a WalMart parking lot where they had a discussion. According to Bill, there was a lot of pain between them. A couple of days later they spoke with each other again. It was during these discussions that Christine begged to come back to Bill. Within their second meeting, he said he was not sure if he wanted her back. He agreed for her to come back on condition they entered into marriage counseling. Christine hesitated, but then agreed. In total she was gone for about 10 days. But the June 11 incident came up a number of times in the coming two years.

Bill took out a $50,000 line of credit at the Bank of Montreal and bought Christine a brand new Tahoe truck. He wanted Christine to have a safe vehicle to see her kids in Kitchener and the means if she ever wanted to leave.

In August of 2013, Bill rushed to Sault Saint Marie Ontario. His aunt was deathly ill and not expected to survive. Christine did not want go with Bill during his time of difficulty. She preferred to stay, entertaining her guest friends at their luxurious home in Bracebridge. The aunt unexpectedly recovered. Bill called that he was coming home sooner than expected, but Christine who usually was anxious for him to return, told him to wait and come home in a few days. When Bill returned, he could smell the odour of burnt Brillo and suspected crack was being smoked in the house. Bill and Christine argued about this, and about Derrick, a hired hand doing odd jobs around the house. Christine would not agree to fire Derrick.

About a week after his return from Sault Saine Marie, Bill realized his relationship with Christine Rupert was doomed. He told Christine he felt she had set him up like a mark, and her attraction to him was all a sham. He left peacefully on September 1, 2013, moved back to Sault Saint Marie and bought a house.

Christine Rupert had prepared an application in Family Court dated September 10 making claims against Bill.  The original application, later amended by her lawyer MacFarlane, was never served on William Mullins(-Johnson). Examining the Family Court Application reveals gross inconsistencies including what appear to be various serious allegations including sexual abuse, rape, assault and unlawful confinement. The document is rife with innuendos to make Bill Mullins appear to be a dangerous man. We are left to consider why a woman who describes a man to be so dangerous would leave Kitchener in the first place to begin a relationship with such a supposedly violent man.

Tom Walkling is Bill’s personal therapist. Walkling had worked with Bill to help him deal with many difficult years of being wrongfully incarcerated.  Rupert Claims in paragraph 35 of her application that Tom Walkling stated the following, “That she should leave the house, that he feared for her safety, that she should pack everything and leave, ‘Don’t get shot in the yard,’ that he is Aboriginal and his extended family have guns for hunting.” When asked about these allegations, Walkling said he would not have made such statements in that context.

Bill is very upset that anyone would imply Aboriginal people are violent and that they would hunt people. Yet this same inference was repeated by Justice Thomas M. Wood within his finding of fact.  To someone reading such a document without knowing the other side of the story, one can easily be misled to think it must be true since a Judge said so.

Nearing the end of September 2013, Christine Rupert made application in Family Court for a restraining order against William Mullins. He was given a 5-hour window of opportunity to collect his belongings from his own home, under OPP supervision. The OPP refused to assist despite a court order to do so. They eventually showed up for two hours and presented Bill a $610.00 invoice for two hours of their police services.

While Christine Rupert is on title of both properties and a joint account holder, she did not contribute any of her own money to acquire any of the assets she is now making claim against.

Christine Rupert claims she had a chair thrown at her, was raped, sexually assaulted, threatened to be thrown through a wall, threatened that she would be shot, was unlawfully confined, insinuating Aboriginals are violent, and other outlandish remarks in her Family Court Application. The police have not investigated said claims, no significant evidence has been offered, and no charges have been laid against Mr. Mullins in relation to these allegations by Rupert.

A process server at Newmarket Courthouse in Ontario, asked to comment on the story, said under conditions of anonymity that over the past 10 years she has seen that nearly every application made by a woman to the family court contains one or more allegations of rape, domestic violence, and sexual assault. She also said that something she called “the silver bullet” is often used, which is a claim the male committed child molestation. This process server, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated that making these allegations guarantees immediate child custody and control of the matrimonial home. She said that Family Court is outright broken because of things like this.

A York Regional Police Officer, also speaking under condition of anonymity, said he has seen gross injustices in both Family and Criminal Courts. He said he could never do police work on the street again, given the outcome he has witnessed in the courts where people, mostly men, are routinely unjustly prosecuted and incarcerated.

A motion was scheduled by Mullins in Bracebridge Court, heard by Justice Tom M. Wood, February 24, 2014. The purpose of the motion was to deal with the Mullins v. Rupert $650,000.00 Statement of Claim for fraud. The motion is to have the matter heard in Toronto where it is more likely an impartial hearing can be expected. Allowing the fraud suit to be heard in court, Mullins believes, would render the Rupert Family Court application baseless and fraudulent.

Bracebridge Courthouse Thomas M. Wood
OPP and Chad Wells

Canada Court Watch has found extensive corruption at the Bracebridge Courthouse, where a number of protests against Justice Wood have taken place. During one of these peaceful lawful protests, Justice T.M. Wood ordered Chad Wells arrested. He was unlawfully arrested, detained and harassed by Bracebridge OPP officers for a number of hours. The entire event was captured on digital audio. Wells was eventually released from the courthouse police holding area.

Meanwhile that same day Vernon Beck, founder of Canada Court Watch, was threatened with arrest by the same Justice. Mr. Beck describes the incident. “I was in the courtroom in support of D.H. who was being ill treated by Justice Wood. I had never before met him. In open court Justice Tom Wood sternly asked, ‘Is Vernon Beck in the room?’ I identified myself. Justice Wood immediately instructed me to leave his courtroom. I asked him to make an order to that effect. He refused and said if you do not leave you will be arrested!” There was no just reason to order Mr. Beck from the courtroom. He did not want to be arrested that day.

A Forester local paper covered this rally.

Justice Wood brought down his decision on March 3, 2014 regarding the Mullins and Rupert motions returnable on February 24. Justice Wood, in Family Court, made certain findings of fact based on the hearsay of Christine Rupert. He made the following order, without a trial, without cross examination and without taking into account all relevant facts.

● William Mullins(-Johnson) is to pay Christine Rupert $10,000.00 to cover her legals expenses against Mr. Mullins and the right for Rupert to seek further advances.

● Mullins motion to dismiss or stay Christine Ruperts application, dismissed.

● Mullins $650,000 fraud Statement of Claim against Rupert moved to Muskoka from Toronto, consolidated into the Family Court application of Rupert and taken as the response to the Rupert Family Court Application.

Mr. Mullins says, “The entire Family Court Application by Christine Rupert is founded on fraud including racial discrimination.  The ruling by Justice Thomas M. Wood is a slap in my face thwarting my fraud civil suit that would flesh out the truth. He is instrumental in circumventing due process. Moreover, making an impetuous ruling awarding unjust monetary gain to a fraudster, Christine Rupert.”

Mr. Mullins says he will fight tirelessly to ensure he is not subject to a second judicial abuse in Ontario, Canada. One wrongful conviction by irresponsible authorities is enough, and abuse by civil authorities like this should not be tolerated.

The ruling by Justice Tom M. Wood is being appealed by Mullins’ lawyer. A leave to appeal motion is set to be heard Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.  at 3 Dominion Street, Bracebridge, Ontario.

Writers note: The information contained here above and herein I verily believe to be true based on information provided to me by various sources.


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