Justice for Men and Boys Party Arrives


Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them)[1]  plans to contest the top 30 Conservative marginal seats at the 2015 general election, if the funding is in place to do so. One of these seats is Wolverhampton South West, which the Conservatives won with a margin of just 691 votes in 2010. A gentleman who lives in the constituency contested the seat in 2010 for his own political party, and in 2015 he’ll be standing as our candidate.

Ray Barry is the leader of the political party Equal Parenting Alliance[2]. He lives in the constituency, and he’s campaigned against anti-male bias in legislation for the last 13 years. He assumed when he and his wife divorced 13 years ago that he’d experience fair and equal treatment in the family court, but he found anti-male prejudice and bigotry, and was removed from the lives of his three children, to whom he was devoted. Fathers rarely qualify for Legal Aid, and he now works in family courts helping fathers apply for contact with their children.

Ray is going to contest the Wolverhampton South West seat in 2015 for our party, because he believes the unfairness which he encountered now extends beyond fathers. Men and boys encounter injustices and discriminations in many aspects of their lives solely on account of their gender. British laws and institutions treat men and boys with ever less justice than women and girls – with less fairness, kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. Our party has outlined in a public consultation document[3] 18 areas where men typically have poorer life outcomes, or face disadvantages and discriminations solely on account of their gender. Ray Barry contributed the material on parental access to children (pp 10,11). Most of the assaults on men’s interests are attributable to the actions and/or inactions of the state, although 72% of the income tax paid by British citizens is paid collectively by men while women pay only 28%.

In this climate it should come as no surprise that men and boys commit suicide at three times the rate of women and girls. Ray asks voters to reflect on their own experiences, and those of their family members, friends, and acquaintances, and cast their votes for him if they agree that restoring justice to men and boys is a priority in twenty first century Britain.




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