Pierce Harlan is a fucking jerk

In case you don’t know, he’s the bastard who runs the falserapesociety website. It’s a site featuring thousands of news stories in which women, for reasons ranging from boredom to sexual frustration – level false rape accusations against men. In a majority of these cases, the falsehood of the accusation comes to light soon afterward, and although the falsely accused have been arrested, fired from their jobs, blacklisted, severed from their kids, assaulted, driven out of communities and had their lives generally ruined, the false accusers usually skate away without consequence.

The stories of false rape claims are culled from main stream news sources all over the english speaking world, and Mr Harlan has, on his website, collected a damning body of evidence of the obvious hazard of contact with women in the absence of reliable witnesses or secure video surveillance.

Most recently, Harlan ran a story about a woman in Scotland who after being rejected in her sexual advances, vented her frustration by charging the man who refused sex with rape. The story would not be a story if police had not noted inconsistencies in her account. The woman, Lisa Wright, confessed to police after 4 days that the story was fabricated. She was sentenced to 210 hours of community service. (about 5 weeks of work).

This was obviously not the first such story I had read. Nor was it the tenth, or the hundredth. The details vary, but in every such story culled from mainstream reporting, there is a monotonous repetition of theme. A woman, for widely differing, but uniformly trivial and petty reasons concocts a rape allegation, and a man’s life, reputation, family, career and personal life are permanently ruined. Then she is discovered in the lie and flutters away with a token slap on the wrist. Sometimes the police will even issue a statement, admonishing other women not to issue their own false accusations. The reason given is not because it destroys the lives and families of innocent men, but that it wastes police resources, and most terribly, throws doubt onto actual victims of crime. The reason to not field a false rape allegation is never because it will destroying an innocent man’s life.

After reading the endless torrent of mainstream reporting collected under one banner on Harlan’s site, http://falserapesociety.blogspot.com/ I can no longer deny the evidence and treat women as if they are not all potential predators. And I’m bitter. Fuck you Harlan – this is your fault.

As a rational human being, I can no longer enjoy the company of women without a permanent vigilance. My knowledge of the ease of a false accusation, and the blind eagerness of communities and law enforcement to grind up men so accused without a hint of forbearance. The automatic media publication of men accused, but not convicted, the automatic sheltering in anonymity of women issuing accusation, safely free of accountability. In such a climate, a colleague, a friend, an in-law, if female must all be treated as potential hazards. It would be irresponsible and suicidal to allow a woman into my car, without a trusted third party as witness. I find it now fatally irrational to allow a new female acquaintance into my home without secured electronic surveillance. All because Pierce Harlan couldn’t leave the truth alone.

It is mortally dangerous to ever offer assistance to a woman in need of it, unless a number of trusted witnesses are also present. It’s obviously hazardous to even tell a woman the truth, or tell her anything except the most bland, and expected flattery, and then quickly depart her company. So who is to blame for this unhappy state of affairs? Pierce Harlan, that asshole.

Now, obviously, not all, and not even most women are likely to spot an opportunity for trivial advantage or entertainment from devastating a man’s life through false accusation. However the easy and nearly total absence of consequence for this commonly documented behavior indicates that for men, women should be avoided at all costs. Not just avoided, but ignored, in cases where they may be in distress, shunned. If, for example a woman’s car breaks down and she calls a towing company, the tow truck driver is better served to quit his job than to assist her without witnesses or his own video surveillance.

If pizza is ordered and the delivery driver happens to be female, a safe course would be to turn off the house lights and wait in silence until she’s gone away. For male drivers delivering to a woman home alone, the hazard might be unavoidable without aggressively interrogating customers as they place their orders on the phone, and refusing service to women. Of course, all of this sounds extreme and paranoid, but in a culture and a legal climate increasingly eager to discard due process for men accused, and protecting false accusers from consequence, ameliorative measures become increasingly necessary.

Most people working in the restaurant and bar industry will be aware of the fairly common phenomenon of young women, in company of a group of female friends drinking themselves into a state of blackout. Whether this is due to their youthful belief in their own immortality, or a culturally induced sense that everybody else in the world is there to serve and protect them from consequence is a matter for speculation. However, men doing the job of doorman, or bouncer, or even bartenders and serving staff are pretty routinely called on to deal with a blackout drunk, vomiting, or passed out girl who got too excited and drank herself stupid. Rather than helping such passed out girls to a chair, or loading them into a car to be driven home or to an emergency room, its advisable in a climate of easy accusation to just put orange highway cones around a girl passed on in the street so she’s less likely to be run over by a car, and not move her out of traffic. Such action might be used as the basis for a rape accusation.

And very clearly, the the fault for all of this necessary self preservation belongs to Mr Harlan. If he hadn’t collected together and presented so much mainstream news reporting of the free for all blood sport that false rape accusations have become – men would be able to live lives of carefree abandon. Well, until they were charged with molesting the female grocery-bagger, or sexually harassing a passing dental hygienist. It’s Peirce’s fault that feminine, socially-approved and ritualized male destruction is impossible to ignore. So, Mr Harlan, thanks a lot, you jerk.

I now envy other men, those that can see all this information and still live in denial. I don’t know how they do it. No matter how many times I try to pull the wool back over my eyes, I still see it all, thanks to – that guy. No matter how many blue pills I try to choke down I still end up with all this knowledge gnawing at me like a rat on a piece of cheese.

So once again, Mr. Harlan, thanks for making a cognizant mess of my life, but rest assured no matter how much you do over there at FRS there will be men who remain happy and ignorant, right up till the time the cuffs are slapped on.


I wrote this piece with the intention of exaggerating to make a point, and realized, half way through writing that I was not exaggerating.


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