Tracy Odell of CafeMom placed on offenders registry

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n October 18, 2011, Nicole Fabian-Weber, a blogger for CaféMom, The Stir, wrote an article about a 29-year-old Vietnamese woman who, after becoming upset with her husband, cut off his penis with a pair of scissors and threw it in a river.  Fabian-Weber’s article was entirely supportive of the idea, and of the general idea of sexually mutilating men. Fabian-Weber expressed those sentiments in a variety of ways.

The reaction to the article was energetically negative and almost immediate, with many comments posted to the piece by readers who were outraged at Fabian-Weber’s statements and demanding that the article be removed.

MRA’s followed suit. Fabian-Weber was registered as a bigot on, and numerous complaints and demands we sent to the editorial team that manages CaféMom.

This included multiple forms of correspondence to three key persons in that organization; Publisher Tracy Odell, Editorial Director Amy Boshnack and Managing Editor Cynthia Dermody.

No correspondence was returned from any of these individuals. In fact the only response so far to the concerns addressed to these key management persons has been that the original article posted by Fabian-Weber has been revised, taking some of the more inflammatory material out.  It was, instead of a reasoned and responsible reaction by a team of professionals, an adolescent attempt to revise history, adding insult to the already despicable display of hate speech.

And as the article still contains explicit support for sexual violence and mutilation, it also demonstrates that the management of CaféMom is part of a culture of sexism and promoted violence within marital relationships.

For this reason, Tracy Odell, publisher of CaféMom, is now listed as a bigot on, alongside Nicole Fabian-Weber, and alongside the remaining collection of bigots, corrupt public officials, pedophiles, rapists, murderers and other violent criminals that represent the moral equivalent of Ms. Odell.

Though Odell will likely enjoy this distinction, as will her underlings in the future, it will nonetheless create an indelible and irreversible record of the facts about the sickness that permeates CaféMom.


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