MGTOW re-understood

Correcting my impression of Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)

To be a misunderstood person is surely a frustrating thing. Another person’s initial perception of who you are is like a mental seed – all growth begins there. However, unlike a physical seed that may be planted in any given way and yet grow straight,  if a person first misunderstands you – if the initial seed is planted crooked – then the seedling that is you in the mind of that person will sprout crooked. It’s all downhill from there, or all uphill, whichever is worse.

And while being misunderstood is surely frustrating, far worse is someone misunderstanding you and then proceeding to widen the divide between who you are and who they suppose you to be by making elaborate extensions based on their initial misconception of your character. Such was the case when I published a youtube video [link] wherein I explained several reservations that I have with the topics and tone of two MGTOW websites which I assumed; wrongly, it seems, reflected well the consensus of MGTOW ideology.

Summarily I received plenty silly, slovenly cyber-teeth-sucking, for not possessing the same frame-of-reference for MGTOW as possessed by various detractors of my video. To those detractors, I advise the following: Do not let your frustration, however warranted, tryannize the potential in you for pause, patience and reasonable refutation. Nevertheless, by criticizing the two websites, it seems that I may have, at best, bested a strawman and not the “official” ideology of MGTOW.

A word about strawmen

To be clear, plenty people in our culture consider it enough to feeeeel successful by besting a strawman; two good examples of this are, 1) the cavalier Christian elder who proudly out-talks a first year biology student who accepts the theory of Evolution, and, 2) the various, insipid, pseudo-liberal, pseudo-scientific soothsayers of our culture who readily deride any young, relatively poorly spoken Christian child whose parents raised him or her to think critically about Evolution, rather than to bleat, in harmony, an acquiesence to the Appeals-to-Authority and Appeals-to-Popularity, which if you’re keeping score, are all that sustain plenty parts of the oft-psuedo-scientific Frankenstein that is the theory of Evolution.

Clarification about MGTOW received

When it comes to taking pride in winning against the wrong opponent, the aforementioned kinds of people are two examples; but I am not a third. So I was glad to receive, from youtube user ThatCynicalCynicism, a video response to my video. Therein he offered, amid well-chosen visual aids, that MGTOW is “generally defined as being an individual choice, and an individual solution.” I thank him for the information (although I hold that his estimation of feminism, in the video, was, coincidentally; a straw-man).

Declaration against co-dependency

After inaptly generalizing MGTOW and planting a sideways seed, I am now at least somewhat prepared to straighten the seedling. Here, then, is my ode of MGTOW:

When in the course of widespread misandrist tyranny, it becomes necessary for men to dissolve the social solder, and reverse the spiritual mutilation which has stuck and imperiled them, so inequitably, to the whines and whims of women. These men must, perhaps, reinvent the wheel of free-association.

Let it be clear that a man has a right to go his on way. Therefore, let modern men acknowledge and accept – as tearfully as they might – that far too many women, for far too long, have far too well assumed the role of nothing but shined, shaven social-succubi who reflect all of mens vices yet none of mens virtue. Further, these succubi (desirous of everything and deserving of nothing) can offer men nothing but the role of a masochistic self-indentured-servant: he is to work a job he hates; he is to earn money that she spends; he is to live far less comfortably; he is to die far sooner.

Let each man reject this poisonously pink proposition; let each man end, in whatever way he sees fit, the misandrist fem-anesthetization that is, now, generations old; let each man choose, instead, to live a life of self-direction, self-control, self-reliance and personal responsibility–even if such self-respect means that he must wholly abandon such soul-striping social roles as, for example, womyn’s unpaid bodyguard, womyn’s unpaid moving-company, womyn’s unpaid therapist, womyn’s unpaid accountant, womyn’s financial-lust-object.

Men deserve better than these “womyn” are offering. Men have a right to go their own way.

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