Shaming as the narrative of hate

As most of us are all well aware, by now, feminism is based on the The Patriarchy myth… the belief that The Patriarchy has conspired in the oppression of women for the millennia of human civilisation. Thanks to recent developments over the past few years, however, it has been increasingly coming to light that The Patriarchy narrative is a solipsistic rationalization at best, an unfalsifiable theory that is without foundation. We now know that feminism is, through and through, a scam. How have feminists gotten away with this?

Projection explains much of it, it would seem. We see others as we see ourselves, with the narrative, “this is what I would be thinking if I was behaving the same way, or saying the same thing.” Thus, feminists have been projecting their selfish motivations without realizing it, with the subconscious narrative “everyone else is a selfish scumbag because I know that I am.” And everyone else has been projecting their own working assumption, also without realizing it, “let’s hear them out… surely this is how I would be reacting if I was denied my basic rights.” Or to put a different spin on it, “nobody can be that stupid.” One party underestimates their opposition, the other overestimates. There is as much ignorance as there is scam in this collective cultural hallucination. We have now come to realize that our working assumption has been inconsistent with the feminist view of the world.

But this still doesn’t explain how feminism, as preposterous a phenomenon as it is, with its foundations in ignorance, has become so successful in the course of half a century. The answer is that the projection of collective ignorance requires an attitude to motivate it. This is the attitude of hate and its strategy, informed as it is by the female perspective, is shaming. The more that their jig is shown up for what it is, the more that they dig their boots in, the more that they hate being shown up, and the louder that they shame. Shaming is the strategy you have when you don’t have a strategy. Shaming does not appeal to reason, logic or evidence. It is, at its foundations, a form of bullying.


It is now becoming increasingly understood that feminism is, at its very foundations, misandric. The feminist myth of patriarchal oppression makes assumptions that are ignorant of the truths of human nature, such women’s hypergamy, or the role of primary nurturers in establishing the cultural foundations in young minds. Ignorance is not necessarily, in and of itself, always hateful… for example if it is open to being corrected. But stubborn ignorance, the type that entrenches itself in opposition to being corrected, will be resonant with hateful motivations. When feminists assert the myth of patriarchal oppression, they are making assumptions that are inherently hostile to men.

But, as we introduced above, projection relates more specifically to the inner narrative that one is conducting. When feminists shout “sexist pig!” and “misogynist!” they are not expressing any kind of truth about the male condition. They are instead projecting their own sexism and hatred of men. They are seeing men as sexist and hateful because they are sexist and hateful.

When feminists see sexism in hiring practices, they are projecting the inner narrative that is speaking to them… “this patriarchy is doing exactly what I would do if I had the same decisions available to me.” And lo and behold, this is exactly what feminists do, in the favouritism of women, in affirmative action, to make up for “all those millennia of oppression.” The truth of the matter behind effective hiring decisions, however, is very different… it relates to efficiency and merit and responsibilities to profitability. Any business that does not make choices based on merit and efficiency deserves to fail. For feminists, however, their personal projection is their solipsistic reality.

Whenever feminists shout “misogyny!” they are projecting their hostility to men… that is, they are projecting their misandry. How could it be anything else? This must surely be the stuff of satire. Those in whom the hate burns most toxic are calling hate on half of humanity as it has existed for millennia. They are not seeing men as men are. They are seeing men as feminists are. The irony is lost them. Their only recourse is the shaming narrative.

Shaming is energy-intensive. It requires a lot of shouting. From the wage-gap myth to the rape culture fiction, shaming requires denial and refusal to address the most basic facts, such as the mathematics of simple averages.

But women hate women, don’t they?

The idea that women should be friends with women just because they are women is typical of emotionally stunted toddlers that still think in terms of blue-for-boys and pink-for-girls. Take Jessica Valenti (2014), who famously tweeted “I trust women.” We assume that she means she trusts women unconditionally. There is established theory, in relational aggression, that describes how dishonesty and betrayal are integral to women’s modus operandi. Valenti trusts the gender in which trust is most often betrayed! Go figure. But it all makes sense when we interpret her “I trust women” as just more of the shaming narrative that implies “but I don’t trust men.” In other words, Valenti’s “I trust women” is a lie… this is a necessary assumption that we should make, because nobody, even someone with a Master’s in Women’s and Gender Studies, can be that stupid. Ms Valenti can take solace in the fact that, when we are calling her a liar, we are crediting her with more intelligence than she credits herself.

While we are on the topic of relational aggression – you know, lying, gossip, deception, social exclusion… and shaming. Feminist writer Phyllis Chesler (2009) does an admirable job of documenting how women oppress women, how women keep women down. Though, predictably, as a feminist, she knows the cause and who is really pulling the strings. It is, of course, she assures us, The Patriarchy. It would seem that feminists with sons are sometimes open to editing their narrative to let some semblance of truth shine into the dankest, darkest corners – even as they persist with their “because Patriarchy” rationalizations.

When are the more intelligent feminists going to come to their senses? It seems that we wait in vain… for any among them who might be reading this, here’s a tip… we already have “equality” (for want of a better word), we always have. Women have never been denied workplace opportunities by The Patriarchy because women have been raising their sons to compete for them. Got it? The Matriarchy is The Patriarchy. The cultural system does its thing with men and women just as the brain does its thing with neurons and glia, or just as any ecosystem does its thing with all the critters that constitute it. Remove one component and the system becomes unstable. But I digress.

Feminists with sons notwithstanding, all other feminists are so fixated on their toxic obsession with the patriarchy myth, that they wilfully turn a blind eye to the ways in which women keep women down. They fundamentally fail to understand the psychology of women (and men), they are constantly projecting their ignorance of female (and male) nature. And the shaming narrative is all that they can rely on to express their hate.

Bringing rape to the people

But as if all this is not enough, even more remarkable, in their obsession with their hateful agenda, is that feminists hurt women. In their agenda to make the rape experience accessible to the narratives of ordinary women, feminists must necessarily trivialize rape.

Is rape to be regarded as something serious and traumatic, a life-altering event, or is it to be regarded as something trivial, something accessible to every woman to justify her entitlements, something on a par with headaches and tummy rumbles? If the former, then the FBI (2009) estimates that 89,000 women reported being raped in America in 2008, which translates to 29 women for every 100,000 people, or, of the order of about 1 in 1500 women. It is not realistic to expose one in five women to this kind of rape, given the risk of real injury. But if women want the latter, say, a kind of Rape Lite, then the one-in-five women that will be raped during their lifetimes is clearly not enough, because most every woman occasionally encounters rapey looks while on public transport, or walking in the street. Heck, a woman is likely to be offended by something rapey every time she leaves her front door. And studies by academics have shown that even headaches and tummy rumbles, as forms of PTSD, can ultimately be attributed to some hidden memory of rape that can only be brought to light under Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT).

Thanks to feminism, the cry of “RAPE!” is now a fashion statement. Along with designer purses, Michael Kors boots, Emma Sulkowicz mattresses and Gucci handbags, a lady’s membership to the “I’ve-been-raped-too” club provides the ideal fashion accessory. In this new Cool, she can strut her stuff with confidence and a radiant smile. Thanks to feminism, rape is no longer a terrible, humiliating experience requiring treatment for PTSD. In this new era of rape, you can one day make a false accusation of rape without bearing any risk of recourse, and on another you’re doing a porn video. The cry of “RAPE!” frees women up to explore their sexuality, to lie about rape, to liberate their inner whore, and, ultimately, to shame The Patriarchy.

It is the shaming of The Patriarchy that is the intent in Pooja Relan’s (2015) video clip, when she tries to convince everyone that “My Family Raped Me” – even when it is her mother that is calling someone else’s daughter a slut.

In their eagerness to shame The Patriarchy, rape no longer means what it used to mean. These days, it just means being pissed at something. And on that strict interpretation, it should mean that men can also claim membership to the “I’ve been raped too” club… anyone should, theoretically, now be able to claim rape by the bus driver when they miss the bus, or by the store attendant when they’ve been overcharged at the grocery store.

But for men claiming rape, there’s a catch… the cultural assumption that women don’t rape. Women can perpetrate precisely the same misdeed, but when they do it, it is never rape. The whole point of this “rape culture” shaming narrative is ultimately to be able to target men for abuse, because it relies on the assumption that only men rape and therefore, any misdeed perpetrated by a man against a woman is rape.

Shaming opportunities everywhere

Feminists and their social justice warriors are never interested in justice, fairness, or, as they call it, “equality” for all. Far from it. They are only interested in “equality” for themselves… this is the sort of “equality” that only ever invites one side to the debate. Not unlike George Orwell’s “some animals are more equal than others.” It is the sort of “equality” that seeks out shaming advantages at every opportunity.

If feminists truly cared about justice, fairness and “equality,” they would care about those who are most innocent and vulnerable. They would care about the abuse of children and that it is women who are their primary abusers. They would care that mothers abusing children are Stage 1 of the domestic violence life-cycle. But from feminists, we never hear about the abuse of children by women… this would be inconvenient to their agenda and their shaming narrative.

Feminism represents something unparalleled in the history of humanity. They even hate their own children, dosing their boys up with Ritalin to fix their boyish behaviour, or biasing the education system against boys to make up for all those millennia of patriarchal oppression, while turning a blind eye to the collateral damage that befalls their girls, in the pursuit of their rabid agenda. By contrast, even the Nazis and Stalinists at least loved their children. Feminism relies on “the enemy” to do its dirty-work. Men of all stripes, from feminist men to traditional White Knights of The Patriarchal Order, are essential to mobilizing the feminist agenda. Imagine the Nazis relying on the Jews to do their dirty-work. Feminism’s hateful shaming narrative is integral to mobilizing this absurdity.

The gay rights that feminists often claim to fight for presents something of a quandary for them, given that gay men are… men. This inconvenience is one that is difficult for them to dispense with. As Dean Esmay (2015) documents, with screenshot references, feminists often lump gay men in together with The Patriarchy, regarding them with the same disdain:

● There were the Redstockings of the 1960s, along with all kinds of prominent feminists in the late 60s and early 70s, whose gay-bashing rhetoric flowed from their basic premise of man-hating;
● Contemporary feminist Cathy Brennan tweets that “Gay men are men. They rape women just like straight men”;
● In his 1976 talk, John Lauritsen observes that there was a widespread pattern of vilification of gay men and gay organisations by feminists.

The hypocrisy of their history of shaming gays and yet claiming to fight for gay rights is just how feminists do business… the irony is lost on them.

The agenda of feminists is so hateful that they would shame even the likes of Isaac Newton and George Washington, Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha if they could get away with it… I stand corrected… sometimes they do. For example, in her 1986 book “The Science Question in Feminism,” Sandra Harding referred to Newton’s Principia Mathematica as a “rape manual.”

Feminists are not interested in the rights of others. Feminism is just a behemoth of a shaming machine, and that’s all it is. Even when they are doing “good” (e.g., facilities for the disabled), theirs is simply a masquerade to shame The Patriarchy. They don’t care… any more than they care about the real victims of real-rape. Feminists are interested only in shaming opportunities.


Shaming is the strategy you have when you don’t have a strategy, and fundamental to its effectiveness is hate. If you you’re not too sure what to make of a feminist’s initiative, ask yourself if there is a shaming opportunity in it, a way of saying “look at how good I am, and how wicked you must be.” This is manipulation and relational aggression at work. Shaming by feminists is pure projection. It makes sense. After all, feminism is a hate movement.


Chesler, Phyllis. Woman’s inhumanity to woman. Lawrence Hill Books, 2009. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed June 26, 2015]

Esmay, Dean. Gays Against Feminism: Because gay people are not your property, feminists. A Voice for Men, June 26, 2015. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed June 28, 2015]

FBI. Forcible rape – Crime in the United States. US Department of Justice, September 2009. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed June 30, 2015]

Relan, Pooja. “My Family Raped Me… Respect Women.” YouTube. SKR Production, April 19, 2015. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed June 30, 2015] Originally available at: [Accessed April 14, 2015]

Valenti, Jessica. I trust women. Twitter, December 5, 2014. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed June 30, 2015]

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