SlutWalks: Stupidity in a Tube Top

SlutWalks, the newest emerging fad in the Sexual Grievance Industry, appear to be spreading like genital herpes, and coming to a city near you.

Taking on the bizarrely distorted guise of a social movement, the initial gathering was sparked by a comment from a Toronto, Canada, police officer that women should avoid “dressing like sluts” in order to reduce the chances of being a victim of a sexual assault. The statement so outraged Canadian sluts that they have organized and are now gathering to walk the streets, defending sluthood from further attacks. Oh, and purportedly raising rape prevention awareness along with their discount store skirts.

Central to the controversy, of course, is the question of whether or not a woman’s attire actually contributes to her chances of being raped.

The answer is probably NO.

After doing as much research as I have been able to do over the past several days I have found no empirical, or even circumstantial evidence that demonstrates that dressing like a slut is any more likely to directly result in being raped than dressing like a school teacher or a trash collector.

I would also add on a personal level that after reviewing several of the images from the SlutWalk, I am even more convinced that these women are not at any heightened risk of sexual attack, at all.

It appears our Uniformed Toronto Traditionalist was off the mark with his well-intentioned advice.

So naturally it set off a transcontinental firestorm of indignation and exposed cellulite.

And it furthered ideas about rape prevention so unfathomably bad and misleading that it makes our Canadian cop seem like the Einstein of sexual self-protection.

What else would you expect from a bunch of sluts? Remember, just because someone looks like shit doesn’t mean they are not stupid.

We get a pretty good picture of the mentality that is driving this movement from the “Mission Statement,” which reads, in part:

“Historically, the term ‘slut’ has carried a predominantly negative connotation. Aimed at those who are sexually promiscuous, be it for work or pleasure, it has primarily been women who have suffered under the burden of this label. And whether dished out as a serious indictment of one’s character or merely as a flippant insult, the intent behind the word is always to wound, so we’re taking it back. “Slut” is being re-appropriated.”

So to begin with, the founding SlutWalkers are not concerned about rape, per se. At least not near as much as they are concerned about being sluts in a world that looks down on them, well, like they’re sluts or something.

The rape advocacy is just a tag on, a stab at respectability, for a bunch of shopworn anybody’s babies that want to feel better about spreading their legs at the sound of “Buy you a drink?” with Pavlovian predictability.

I note that neither from the police officer in question, nor from the most ardent opposition to their cause, has anyone asserted that the sluts deserved to be raped.

With their newfound “re-appropriation” of the label, though, they do deserve to be called sluts. In fact, if you will forgive the non PC vernacular, they are totally asking for it.

Insomuch as everyone now appears to agree, both on the fact that they are sluts and that they do not deserve to be raped, we should be able to clean the residual scum off the streets go on about our business.

Ah, but we really can’t. Not with any real concern for women who actually are victims of rape.  Personally, considering men are the more frequent but utterly ignored victims of rape[1][2][3], and with the epidemic of false rape accusations[4] and corrupt prosecutions becoming just as pervasive, my interest in women who get raped any more is somewhere near as intense as my interest in cake decorating and midget wrestling.

But I am interested in two other things. One, in educating a miserably misguided and gullible public; and two, in pissing off feminist idiots; not necessarily in that order.

So, as a public service of A Voice for Men, I will tell you in just a few paragraphs how women can reduce their chances of getting raped, for real.

And that begins with a better understanding of the subject in question than you are getting from the SlutWalkers.

Here is the basic, undeniable truth: Dressing like a slut doesn’t lead to rape; being a slut most certainly does.

Go ahead, don your Amy Winehouse couture and paint your face like it was a whore by numbers kit. That alone will not result in any unauthorized pipe laying.

But like it or not, PC or not, slut friendly or not, promiscuity does lead to the enhanced likelihood of rape.  As even the most obtuse rape advocate will acknowledge, most rapes of women happen from known assailants, often potential or previous sexual partners.  So the fewer football teams a slut fucks the less of a chance she has of being exposed to the linebacker who will rape her.

Now, by all means dress like a slut; just don’t drink like one.  We all know the slut scene is the party scene.  But sluts might consider a policy of keeping their slutabrations alcohol free.  Alcohol is involved in a huge number of rapes. It can impair judgment and lead to poor choices.

“Sure, uh, Johnny(?), let’s go for a ride in your car out to the country.  I’ve only known you though six shots of Hornitos, but it feels like I have known you all my life.”

Many non-politicized websites, including this one, will advise, with no harsh judgments on sluttiness, that women not to go into unfamiliar areas with strangers when they are intoxicated and without friends or their own transportation.

In other words, they advise women not to be stupid sluts. If a woman is concerned about the possibility of rape in her life, she can stay sober when in new surroundings; stay close to friends and don’t do things like go into an abandoned building with a stranger.

If he rapes her it will be his fault, but she will be just as raped, and the right to point and say it was his fault may not seem so beneficial at the time.

Just saying.

By following this advice about not getting drunk and getting into really crazy situations with strangers, you can also address another social ill.

False allegations.

Too many sluts, especially ones who really don’t feel as good about being sluts as the SlutWalkers would want, have the nasty habit of feeling guilty after one or more of their drunken, fuck whoever is in the room escapades, and handle that guilt by accusing their erstwhile sexual partners of rape.

Happens a lot these days.

So, the less slutty sex, the less false allegation, which in turn increases the believability of women who actually are raped.

The impact of sound judgment is exponential and all positive!

All you have to do is know the difference between sexual freedom and sexual stupidity.

And that is precisely what the SlutWalkers don’t know.

Their world is one of fantasy, where we can prevent female rape simply by telling men not to rape women.

Imagine that, all along we have been dealing with an education problem. Men don’t know that it is bad to commit rape, so we just need to tell them.  Just check out this short piece by Dr. Kathleen Young. It is all put as succinctly as saying “If a woman is walking alone at night, don’t rape her.”

Now, wasn’t that simple? Get 10,000 potential rapists to read that stunning piece of brilliance and you will prevent who knows how many tens of thousands of rapes!

Next we tell people not to steal cars, break in houses, rob people or put catsup on a good porterhouse.  Then we can stop locking our doors; leave our cars running with the keys in them and flash our money in seedy neighborhoods, and nothing will happen.

We no longer have to take any responsibility to protect ourselves or our property ever again, because we all know that people don’t do bad things once you tell them not to.

Seriously, if you have done any reading at all through the statements from SlutWalkers, who have come to this site to comment on our articles, you know this is exactly the kind of bizarre, wildly unrealistic mentality they are promoting.

It is the mindset of people pathologically bent on having no responsibility whatsoever for their decisions in life, and willing to quickly forgo all common sense to get there.

I can do more for rape prevention, right now, by telling any potential victim willing to listen that anyone who tells you that you can’t make choices that improve your chances for personal safety and well-being has an ulterior motive, and your safety is not a part of it.

Your choices follow you in life, even the one to be a slut.

Hate it all you want, but the red pill is a better choice because that mountain of truth isn’t going to budge, even if the ground thunders with a million slutty footsteps.


[2] * 2.1% of men reported forced vaginal sex compared to 1.6% of women in a relationship in the previous year. From: Predictors of Sexual Coersion.

*94% of sexually abused youth in correctional facilities reported being abused by female staff. From: Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities, 2008-09.

* Among inmates reporting staff sexual misconduct, ~ 65% reported a female aggressor. From: Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2008-09.

* 50% of homeless youth reported being sexually abused by a female. From: It’s Not What You Think: Sexually Exploited Youth in British Columbia.



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