Rose McGowan gives a shame sandwich and marching orders to the gay community

“Gay men are as misogynistic as straight men, if not more so. I have an indictment of the gay community right now, I’m actually really upset with them.”

This is just part of a rant directed at the gay community by Charmed actress Rose McGowan, in which she was defending her decision to host a party in defense of the Brunei-owned Beverly Hills Hotel.

In Brunei, being homosexual can get you the death penalty.

Not satisfied with simply being upset with the gay community, McGowan went on to be as insulting as she could, saying that gays have merely “fought for the right to stand on top of a float wearing an orange speedo, taking molly [MDMA].”

Apparently, McGowan’s chief complaint, in which she stopped just short of calling gay men selfish faggots, is that they are too focused on their own issues and not dedicating enough time and energy to feminism.

Look, folks, I just write this shit. I don’t, couldn’t, make it up. And as bizarre as McGowan’s rant is, it is not inconsistent with a theme that has been on the pages of this website for years.

The feminist movement has cast a sympathetic eye on the issues faced by gay men for a long time … as long as they have made themselves available as walkable poodles for the feminist cause. Feminists view gay men as a political utility, offering faux support in exchange for the appearance of inclusivity, and no one has made that more clear recently than Rose McGowan.

“You wanna talk about the fact that I have heard nobody in the gay community, no gay males, standing up for women on any level?” she asks.

Perhaps McGowan has just not been seeing any of the activism for women in the gay community that has gone on for the past few decades. Either that or she does not know fact from fabrication.

McGowan’s real problem with gay men is the same problem she has with straight men. Neither group does (nor could they ever) enough for her and her feminist sisters.

African Americans essentially have the same problem. They busy themselves with their own affairs and do absolutely nothing for White Nationalism.

The selfishness is staggering.

Kidding aside, McGowan has an interesting analysis on why gay men might have the audacity not to obsess on feminist causes.

I think it’s what happens to you as a group when you are starting to get most of what you fought for? What do you do now?

You mean like feminists, Rose?

Other than fabricating a wage gap, rape culture, patriarchy theory, false stats on domestic violence, and complaining about all of it from the lobby of the Beverly Hills Hotel, have feminists so run out of things to do that the only thing left is to attack anyone else, including their longstanding allies, for dealing with their own issues too much?

Note to the gay community: This is what feminism looks like.

Second note to the gay community: I told you so.

McGowan adds arrogance to ignorance. “Women, by-and-large, have very much helped the gay community get to where they are today,” she huffs, failing to add, “Now heel, bitches!”

It will be curious to see what comes of the dissonance in the gay political community over this, though it may not be much. Feminists have so successfully co-opted the politics of sexuality that there is not much left for gay male political activists to do but ask politely for an apology, be quick to forgive, and move forward with their heads down, minding their place. And I am guessing sadly that this is what they will do.

I remain hopeful, though, that the MHRM will continue to gain in appeal for men who happen to be gay. Just as I am hopeful that more gay men will branch out completely on their own, not beholden to serving feminist ideals. All it will take is for a few more like Rose McGowan to step up and show them they have been used all along.

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