Just survive somehow: A guide for college men

The extreme feminist hostility to men on campus makes college a minefield for everyone, students, faculty and administration alike.

For men who choose college the stakes are enormous: most are taking on decades of student loan debt and so they need to get the best possible educations and employment credentials from the experience. On the other hand, we need men’s rights advocates and activists on campus to push back hard against the feminist hysteria that is destroying both the college experience and the lives of too many men. Becoming an MRA can be dangerous for students as the MRA label makes you a target for feminists and feminists hold institutional power on almost all campuses.

I often struggle with what to tell men caught in this situation – protect yourself, or take the risk of fighting for your rights as an MRA?

Both my parents worked at a small college so I grew up in that environment – as a toddler my daycare was my dad’s physical chemistry class. I managed to dodge the authoritarian, anti-male aspects of my college education while both having a lot of fun and organizing a protest against the infringement of free speech. But it took a recent episode of a television show to crystallize my thinking on the tension between the risks of activism and dangers of feminism: Just Survive Somehow.

Episode 602 of The Walking Dead, which aired 10/18/2015 on the AMC network, was entitled “JSS.” At the end of the episode we learn “JSS” means Just Survive Somehow – the three-word goodbye note left behind by a young woman character named Enid, age 15. Enid makes the decision to leave an embattled community because she decides she is safer on her own. (This season of The Walking Dead has been excellent – I highly recommend it.)

If men or women are willing to take up the challenge of becoming campus activists for men’s rights, I am grateful and happy to ally with them. If they decide to Just Survive Somehow, that’s also an excellent choice. Sometimes these choices become one in the same. In either case, in navigating the minefield of campus feminists, it is helpful to have a map, and that is what this article is about.

Having sex with women on campus these days should be avoided in order to minimize the risk that she will file a rape hoax against you, but even that is no guarantee: the UVA rape hoax was triggered in a bid by Jackie Coakley to get romantic sympathy from a man who had friend-zoned her. At Brown University, a rape hoax was triggered when a guy failed to talk to a woman at a party. The Columbia “mattress girl” rape hoax began when Paul drifted away from Emma Sulkowicz. And, of course, the great feminist triumph Roe V. Wade began as a rape hoax concocted for political purposes and the hoax was only dropped when it failed to advance those political ends.

The feminist pressures placed on heterosexual women in college turn them all into hot messes. A normal het woman in college is facing a rigged numbers game: there are only 2 men for every 3 women. Remove the gay men from the dating pool and the numbers move closer to 2 women for each man. In addition to being doomed numerically, the feminists have powerful sexual competition –  nonfeminist women are at the peak age (around age 20) of their sexual attractiveness, plus, they watching their weight, styling their long tresses, shaving their body hair, wearing makeup, dressing in sexy clothing, appreciating men for being masculine, and smiling at men’s advances – all activities that are strongly discouraged for feminist women lest they “appeal to the male gaze.” Feminists trying to compete against such women must feel as frustrated and pointless as a team trying to play baseball without bats or gloves.

Deciding to wear makeup or seek men’s approval are huge crimes against feminism. One feminist put it this way:

The obvious threats to feminism today are the same as they have always been, the main ones being the existence of patriarchy and the backlash from that system when it hits out against any challenges to its continuation. However, there are more insidious and less obvious threats. These dangers hide in plain sight, and come partly in the form of a version of feminism known as “choice feminism”….

Instead, there are choices about what amount of makeup to wear, whether to go “natural” or try mascara that makes your eyelashes look like false eyelashes, or what diet drink to buy, or whether or not to make the first move with a man – or other such modern and edgy decisions of the sort which face the feisty, sassy, pull-no-punches liberated woman of today. Excuse me while I am sick.

In addition to their incompetence and unwillingness to pretend to physical attractiveness, feminists are emotionally compromised by their cultivated hatred of men and sex – feminist women are conflicted by a sex drive that needs men, which stands in opposition to their distrust of even those men who stupidly claim to be feminists, thinking that this will make feminists like them.

But let’s say, hypothetically, that despite her neuroses, red clown hair, side shave, and 60 pounds of extra weight in all the wrong places, a feminist student manages to lure a drunk guy into her bed by begging for a pity fuck. Men are good-natured souls and they also understand that it is dangerous to say no to a feminist, and especially bad to refuse to fuck them.

By cultivating the aura of unattractiveness, the feminist has sabotaged the man’s sex drive, and the alcohol won’t help him get and keep an erection. The feminist’s vibrator addiction will set an impossible standard for the sexual performance of the drunk guy, and while he slurs out the litany of affirmative consent demands in the vain hope of dodging a rape hoax, his boner is wasting away in the pleasure-killing condom. Because she eschews porn as abusive to women (who love showing off their skills in porn, and are paid more handsomely than men for it), the feminist has no clue how to get the guy hard.

Of course he is not going to call her back nor talk to her at a future party. She was the worst lay of his life and there is zero chance it will get better. Attempting to teach a feminist how to fuck is impossible – at best, she will dismiss you as a mansplainer. at worst, she will attack you with a knife.

When this freshly, barely fucked feminist goes crying to her friends, OF COURSE they will demand she charge the drunk guy with rape – how DARE he disrespect her like that!

A New Defense

In a fraught situation like this, the first student to file a campus complaint usually wins because the rules are strongly slanted in the complainer’s favor. You should review the campus sexual discrimination complaint rules carefully. Under many of them, the first to complain has a variety of protections that the second to complain (respondent) does not. For example, the first complainer can use drunkenness as a factor in his/her favor, but the respondent cannot use drunkenness as a defense, even if the complainer was sober. The complainer can go where he/she likes, but the responder may be forced to avoid the complainer and is not allowed to talk about the case, since this might be seen as retaliation against the complainer. The complainer may be assigned a counsel, but the respondent is forbidden one.

Your best defense against feminists is the preëmptive strike – learn the rules thoroughly, get copies of the forms you need to file and be ready to file them at (or even before) the first hint of trouble.

  • If a feminist flirts with you, pretend to be flattered until you can file a harassment claim against her. Your failure to file first opens the door for her to file first, and in that case, you are doomed.
  • If you wake up with a feminist in your bed, sprint to the aptly named student affairs office and file a complaint.

Now, some may well claim that even if you file first, the campus authorities will disregard this because you are a man. If you are careful to follow all the rules, this would be great news for you and financial suicide for the college: it is a Title IX violation that can cost them their federal funding, usually millions of dollars. Play this right, and college administrators/insurance carriers will run after you, pelting you with cash, to try to stop you from pursuing your solid legal case against them.

At this point, the feminist will have forced you to act like an MRA. Accept the title, or deny it – it matters not to us.

We know what you’ve become. You survived, somehow.

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