White female privilege and the domination of men.


It’s a fact. It’s official. Man is no longer ruler of planet Earth. Men lost that privilege way back in the Nineties. What do you mean, you never noticed? Okay, so I’ll admit men’s transition from the pinnacle of power was a subtle one. But if you’d have been paying attention, you could have caught a couple of tell-tale signs.

Equal rights, Feminism, Women’s and Gender Studies were just a few of the more obvious markers.

There we were, the most sophisticated, intelligent beings ever evolved. Expert hunters, brilliant problem-solvers. Providers and builders, engineers and scientists, soldiers and priests. We shaped the world we live in. We were the Masters of our own Destiny.

And then somewhere along the line, everything changed.

Sometime around 1990, human males were tipped from their throne and replaced by their female counterparts. And if you need it a little more specific; White Women.

Supported by Patriarchal Governments the world over, the rot set in and the natural degeneration spread like a pandemic. Today, women are at the helm of society, industry and politics. And the attack is being led by Privileged White Women.

Not convinced?

Then let’s take a look at the growing White Female Privilege Checklist for 2016:

In today’s Modern Patriarchal Society a Privileged White Woman

  1. Will rightly expect to be treated more leniently by the courts than any man committing the same crime.i

  2. Can choose to abort her unborn child, or farm it out for adoption while the child’s father is completely omitted from the decision.ii

  3. Reaps the benefits of affirmative action schemes which allow her access to cheap business loans and female-friendly fellowship programs and grants that give her an unfair advantage over her male competitors.iii

  4. May make false accusations of sexual abuse and most likely get away with the claim, while the man suffers social shame and risks imprisonment and labeling as a sex offender.iv

  5. Will enjoy the physical, emotional and financial support and the offer of free legal advice from female-safe Crisis Centers. Comparable support networks for men who suffer abuse at the hands of women simply do not exist.v

  6. Is allowed to sit or be close to unrelated children and minors in parks and other public spaces while a man who does the same risks falling under the suspicion of pedophilia, and the assumption they are possibly dangerous sexual predators.vi

  7. May call 911 with unfounded claims of physical violence and sexual assault by men and expect the police to blithely believe her claims. Her meager accusation is enough to get the man thrown in jail while her claim is investigated. In cross-gender crimes, it is invariably the man who appears to be guilty until proven innocent.vii

  8. Will probably never see the inside of jail or prison. Unlike 1 in 3 black and brown males.viii

  9. Belongs or belonged to the 60% female majority on campuses across the US and as such is protected by the organizations created solely to provide safe havens, form policies and offer consultations that support her social and psychological requirements. Support groups which deal with ‘male issues’ are still in the infant stages.ix

  10. On any college campus, women who file a sexual assault claim are assumed innocent while men must prove their innocence. Men are punished without proof.x

  11. Will generally not have to fear any consequences for physically abusing her male partner in public. She may hit, slap and scold him while he is socially bound to accept her actions without retaliation.xi

  12. Can rely on help from passers-by if she’s assaulted in public. Privileged White Women enjoy many socially-acceptable safeguards that simply do not apply to her male counterpart.xii xiii

  13. Will regularly play the ‘weaker sex’ card at work. She will ask men to lift heavy objects or to reach to high shelves. Generally speaking, men are more than happy to help. But if one of those men ask that same woman to bring him a cup of coffee, he risks her bringing a charge of sexual harassment against him that could lose him his job.

  14. Controls 85% of America’s spending power and is the coveted target of massive marketing attention. Privileged White Women are the Holy Grail of the modern advertising machine. Men, on the other hand, are often the butt of advertising jokes that pinpoint his lack of intelligence or masculinity.xiv

  15. 58% of America’s workforce are women.xv

  16. Has a 70% chance or more of getting hired for a job as a man, even in STEM.xvi xvii

  17. In her twenties she will earn more than men her age.xviii

  18. Is protected by labor laws that ensure a fair wage and appropriate work conditions.

  19. Can, if she gives birth, demand maternity leave for her husband or same sex partner.

  20. Stands a better chance of opening her own business. Over ten million women in The United States own and operate their own companies and get affirmative action assistance.xix

  21. Will use misandry as a weapon. She will form bonds with her ‘sisters’ and encourage the slander of the male character amidst wild accusations of man’s oppression of women. xx

  22. Has a far greater chance of becoming a Fortune 500 CEO than she did ten years ago. Her appointment may cost the company dearly, but the pressures of today’s patriarchal society dictate that even the largest and most powerful organizations bend with the storm of female occupation.

  23. Implements her superior procedural and policy skills to attain positions of power in large companies.xxi

  24. Can be confident that when she smiles sweetly and flicks her hair, male co-workers will drop everything to do her bidding.

  25. Will expect and usually demand the man picks up the check on a date.xxii

  26. Does not have to fear recriminations against her gender in the unlikely event she is dismissed from her job.

  27. Is far less likely to become the victim of violence or murder, regardless of ethnicity.xxiii

  28. Will very rarely have her femininity questioned if she chooses not to have children or wear ‘girly’ makeup or clothes.

  29. Be considered ‘normal’ if she decides to become one of the 10 million single moms in the US. For a woman to raise a child or children on her own is considered ‘normal’. A single dad however, will generally be regarded as a failed husband or a widow.

  30. Will face less public and media scrutiny if she decides to run for political office. Even that of the President of the United States.

  31. If she’s Canadian, can fully expect to join the privileged group of women who occupy 50% of the top political posts in the country.

  32. Will have received enormous encouragement as a child to strive for any dream or goal she may have.

  33. Has grown up in an environment that glorifies feminization and scolds or punishes boys for not being as well behaved as their opposite gender.xxiv xxv

  34. Can turn on the TV and continuously see her ‘sisters’ well respected and proportionally represented in the News.xxvi

  35. Controls 85% of America’s household budgets.xxvi

  36. Will have a far more varied choice of clothing, hair styles and makeup than men. She will be able to adapt her look to fit her every emotion. From glamorous film diva to Plain Jane.

  37. Usually gets child custody in a divorce. Also financial support from government monies to support herself and her offspring.xxviii

  38. After divorce will freely date other men or partners after a divorce with an eye to finding a new ‘provider’ for her family.xxix

  39. Can, if she chooses, negotiate a division of labor with her partner in marriage and file for a no-fault divorce if at any time, she becomes dissatisfied.xxx

  40. Will enjoy the natural attention bestowed upon her by men. She can expect to be treated like a QUEEN.xxxi xxxii Her wedding day is HER DAY!xxxiii

  41. Will never be expected to lift heavy objects or perform any kind of difficult or dangerous task if there is an able bodied male close by.xxxiv xxxv

  42. Does not need to recognize her female privileges, nor accept criticism thereof. She will consider her White Woman Privilege a birth right, instilled in her from her mother and grandmother and any of her other female relatives and friends. As boys growing up under the watchful eye of their patriarchal mothers, men can expect a completely different treatment.xxxvi

The age of the Privileged White Woman is upon us

But it is not too late. People are supporting men’s groups, men’s gender issues on college campuses and Red Pill groups such as the NCFM with donations. Organizations like Men Going Their Own Way are springing up everywhere. More and more adult males are breaking free of their invisible chains and seeking their destiny in a new world where women no longer control and manipulate them at will. You too can join the movement. Be a Man again!


i http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/11/men-women-prison-sentence-length-gender-gap_n_1874742.html
ii http://www.washingtonwomenforchoice.com/
iii http://nwlc.org/resources/affirmative-action-and-what-it-means-women/
iv http://www.wsj.com/articles/alan-m-dershowitz-a-nightmare-of-false-accusation-that-could-happen-to-you-1421280860
v http://wrcnepa.org/
vi http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=3527035
vii http://www.avvo.com/legal-guides/ugc/false-complaints-of-domestic-violence-dv
viii http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/04/racial-disparities-criminal-justice_n_4045144.html
ix http://www.forbes.com/sites/ccap/2014/12/29/the-disappearing-male-on-college-campuses/
x http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/06/20/accused-is-guilty-campus-rape-tribunals-punish-without-proof-say-critics/
xi http://jezebel.com/5173723/the-double-standard-is-women-hitting-men-ever-okay
xii http://abcnewspapers.com/2015/09/09/elderly-woman-saved-from-burning-oak-grove-home/
xiii http://citifmonline.com/2015/08/25/amanfrom-robberies-woman-saved-from-being-raped-by-robbers/
xiv http://she-conomy.com/facts-on-women
xv https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/14/study-finds-surprisingly-that-women-are-favored-for-jobs-in-stem/
xvi https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/14/study-finds-surprisingly-that-women-are-favored-for-jobs-in-stem/
xvii http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2015/04/women-twice-likely-be-hired-men-academic-posts
xviii http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/aug/29/women-in-20s-earn-more-men-same-age-study-finds
xix https://www.sba.gov/content/women-owned-businesses
xx http://time.com/3101429/misandry-misandrist-feminist-womenagainstfeminism/
xxi https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/03/11/why-there-are-so-many-female-managers-but-so-few-ceos/
xxii http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/09/why-do-men-keep-paying-for-the-first-date/380387/
xxiii http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1635092
xxiv https://playersjourney.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/dont-scold-women/
xxv http://www.childresearch.net/data/school/1998_01.html
xxvi http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/relationships/11357703/The-Lords-are-wrong-women-are-not-under-represented-in-the-media.html
xxvii http://she-conomy.com/facts-on-women
xxviii http://www.divorcenet.com/resources/divorce/for-men/divorce-for-men-why-women-get-child-custody-over-80-time
xxix http://www.eharmony.com/dating-advice/dating/5-reasons-divorced-women-get-married-quicker/#.Vl38unarQb0
xxx http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/no-fault-divorce-vs-fault-divorce-faq-29080.html
xxxi https://blackandmarriedwithkids.com/2014/03/heres-how-to-treat-your-wife-like-a-queen/#.Vl39NHarQb0
xxxii http://www.ehow.com/how_4451449_treat-woman-like-queen.html
xxxiii http://www.brides.com/blogs/aisle-say/2015/10/what-every-mom-thinks-at-daughters-wedding.html
xxxiv http://liftbigeatbig.com/10-reasons-why-heavy-lifting-is-terrible-for-women/
xxxv http://www.bls.gov/cps/demographics.htm
xxxvi http://whatmenthinkofwomen.blogspot.com/2011/05/why-cant-women-handle-criticism.html

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