The AVfM Fundraiser for Summer 2014

The quarterly fundraisers at AVfM are always a mixed blessing for me. They provide the lifeblood for what keeps us alive, running, and growing. On the other side of that, I am not particularly fond of asking for money.
This is even more of a dilemma now than it has ever been before.
Recently, we have requested and counted on an unusual amount of financial support related to the conference. So many of you have answered the call and helped with such enthusiasm that the idea of a quarterly fundraiser makes me concerned.
Unfortunately, I have to be more concerned with us continuing to pay bills for general operations, and to cover the almost endless stream of things from the conference—expenses that can make or break what we are doing.
So with that, I am compelled to do again what we do every quarter, which is to ask you to part with some of your hard-earned money to help us stay afloat and further our work.
Though we have a long way to go, we are gaining unprecedented momentum as evidenced by a men’s rights conference so successful that the word “historic” is being used by many people.
I, for one, think this is 100% correct, but we still need your help in order to keep us on track to create a historic movement, not just historic events.
The fundraiser will run for 10 days. Please help us reach our goals so that we can find more and more ways to make good history.
Thank you in advance for all of your support.



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