Monday Roundup: First of 2013

So, we’re willing to bet a lot of you have been away for the holidays, and may only just be getting back from a very long weekend or an impromptu vacation. So instead of this just being the normal “here’s what’s been happening the last week,” we’re going to do an extra special “this is everything you may have missed since just before Christmas, starting December 21” roundup. If you’ve been away that long, hold onto your hats you crazy varmints, because we got us a damned stampede of exciting stuff. Yee-haw!

Remember the Interview with Erin Pizzey on domestic violence and lies about men and women? Well if you didn’t, you need to not only watch and/or read it, you need to get it into the hands of everyone you know, of any political stripe. And just in case you missed it, it’s been updated with a substantial number of references, and if you had trouble hearing the audio on it, a new version that fixes some people’s sound issues is also available.

That interview was conducted on December 8th, and over the next few weeks Erin, who’s said on multiple occasions she despairs of there ever being a coherent and effective men’s movement, spent a good bit of time looking at A Voice for Men, and on January 1 she joined our editorial team. Expect to hear more from Erin on these pages in the near future, with reprints of long out-of-print materials (feminist publishers intentionally took her work out of print some time ago) and with new materials as well. Also be sure to buy her sensational memoir on the history of her involvement in the feminist movement and the anti-domestic violence movement. She’s a pioneer, a visionary, a tough broad–and an MRA.

Our quarterly fundraiser broke an all-time record. Thank you, thank you, and thank you all again.

European news director Lucian Vâlsan had a report on violent activity by Stalinist group FEMEN in Europe you should see if you haven’t.

Andy Man, head of MRA London has shown up to kick butt and chew bubble gum and from what we can tell, he’s all out of bubble gum. His takedown of bigoted gender ideologue Germaine Greer should not be missed. Furthermore, more recently, he says to men who are concerned with their own problems but can only complain and only think about their own problems need to lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. Ditto, as they say.

JudgyBitch has joined our list of female contributors with her first, but definitely not last, article on A Voice for Men, calling out hatemongering sexist, racist bigot Hugo Schwyzer in Hugo Schwyzer: embracing racism, sexism, & cruelty. We kind of like that Judgy Bitch, although we aren’t quite sure, she’s kinda judgy and kinda bitchy, or so we’re told.

John the Other recently asked has Amanda Marcotte gotten stupider? I think he’s being kind of charitable, but you know, John the Other is always careful to avoid offending.

Sometimes a posting appears quietly on a forum and the person posting it doesn’t know they’ve just written something not just personal, but that means something to almost everybody in a movement. Such is the case with Jay T, who no less than three AVfM editors all jumped on at once wanting to put it on the front page. Don’t miss I almost rejected the Red Pill. One only has to wonder how hard the gender ideologues will work to declare him a hateful misogynistic “loser” so they can avoid listening to his message. We get the feeling that shit isn’t going to last much longer.

Peter Lloyd, open Men’s Rights Advocate and columnist for the Daily Mail, recently penned a devastating piece on a violent thug Lucie Slater, and the free pass she got for having a vagina after not just injuring but mutilating a man and possibly ruining his career. In another piece he notices a prominent bigot who doesn’t like boys. And they tell us there’s no such thing as misandry.

We once had high hopes for a publication called The Good Men Project, but it’s done little but gone downhill since its inception. Astoundingly, they’ve been surreptitiously going through their own archives and purging materials not just by the likes of Paul Elam, but also purging things written by AVfM contributors like Girl Writes What and Quiet Riot Girl/Elly Tams. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to immediately republish any materials they selectively purge for WrongThink. They’ve been going to far as to attempt to erase evidence that they were ever there, and ignoring inquiries as to where they went. You can find the purged items reprinted here and here. Paul Elam, to our shock, had some pungent words of his own on the matter that caused me to swoon on my fainting couch, so be careful before reading it.

Quiet Riot Girl herself has some thoughts on the growing irrelevancy of The Good Men Project on her own blog as a result of this Orwelleian erasing of a publication’s own history.

Remember our campaign to contact hundreds of elected officials before the November elections in America? Well we got a lot of news through back channels on ripples we sent through Maine, Delaware, and West Virginia with that, and at least one Senator was willing to take a public stand. We know others are quietly watching to see what happens.

Did you know that by law, Swedish men are second class citizens? Well, they pretty clearly are.

Scholar Robert St. Estephe has a suggestion for an entry that ought to be in the Diagnostics and Standards Manual for the American Psychiatric Association. They probably won’t accept it, but they should.

Chemical castration for sexual offenders: is it man-hating pseudoscience? I have to admit that I didn’t really think so until this piece made me rethink.

We had a lot of people to thank for our great developments in 2012, but John the Other has some gender ideologues we really want to thank. I know they’ve been a constant source of inspiration for me, that’s for sure, and I expect them all to keep inspiring me through 2013 and beyond. Unless of course they change their ways. (Bwahahahahaha! I crack myself up sometimes.)

VAWA is dead by the way. But it’ll be back like a vampire from the grave in no time flat, we’re certain. Maybe they’ll get honest and rename its new incarnation “The Violent Women and Child Abuse Enabling Act.” That would be more accurate, anyway.

The Wooly Bumblebee, frequently featured on our radio shows and in our videos section, recently penned her first formal piece for us, this time on the fact that even sperm donors are not safe from the claws of the family courts. Great. Anything they can do to beat as many men as possible into the ground, right? She also penned her second piece, this time noticing that the United Nations has condemned genital mutilation of girls but not boys.

By the way, hi Sophia Guo! No, we didn’t forget you. Hope you had a happy holiday season!

Are you a male in the US Military? There may be witch hunts on the way for you. Yes, yes, we thank you for your service and all that, but please, don’t be caught in possession of a penis and having anything that looks even remotely like normal sexual relations with anyone.

The irrepressible Andybob, who is hated by radical feminists because he doesn’t just have a penis, he has a GAY penis, notes the vile choir of misandrists heralded by the Australian media. At times it feels like Australia is the worst place in the so-called Anglosphere for men and boys. But Andy, you really must stop using your gay penis to oppress women!

Speaking of places outside the so-called “Anglosphere,” recent news about tragic rapings of women in India had us wondering: is anything bad happening for men in India? A Voice for Men is now reaching out to India to ask. Anil Sharma answered with harrowing details of his own experiences. We remain anxious to hear from other men from India, as growing hysteria of rape of women looks suspiciously like a growing tendency to dismiss, marginalize, and deny the suffering of men and boys and an excuse to beat on them instead. We hope to hear from others in India about what looks like a growing misandry problem there.

Other news outside of A Voice for Men: The NiceGuy’s American Women (Mostly) Suck site has been greatly revamped and updated by our friend Solaris and his fine crew. Yes, the title of the site is incendiary–like you never see anything incendiary about modern men on the internet? For over a decade men who’ve been badly burned by believing lies about women (and about men) have found this a safe haven for blunt talk about what’s bad–and good–about women, what to look for and what to watch out for.

If you’re a woman who’s offended by it, put on your big girl panties and have a look at how some men honestly feel, and ask yourself why. Maybe you’ll learn something. We’ve got a culture that tells men from day one how stupid, smelly, oppressive, and awful they are. Maybe it’s your turn to listen and at least hear how men who’ve been burned honestly see the world. If you just want to sneer “misogynists!” fine, but then please never ask again where all the “good men” have gone. Maybe there’s a reason they’re gone that you never thought to ask about.

Oh by the way, if you scroll down on the right hand side of the AVfM front page, underneath the notices about The New York Times, Ms. Magazine, and other pages, there’s a spinny globe. If you click on it, you’ll see this, which is a live update of everybody currently visiting A Voice for Men within the last 10 minutes or so. You may notice that not long ago we passed over 3,100,000 visits (that’s visits, not “hits”) and in our Alexa rankings are now in the top 100,000 web sites in the world, and closing fast on our good friends at Feministing. Hmm. I thought we were just this tiny little irrelevant place full of sad bitter right-wing middle aged males no one cared about? Wait, this must be some kind of mistake!

Rhiannon and Holly of The New Statesman are utterly terrified of the idea that there might actually be a men’s movement out there that matters, and they want everybody to know how it’s all just scary awful spooky evil privileged white men. While spreading fear, paranoia, and hatred of us, they accuse us of… fear, paranoia, and hatred. They’re also quite racist about it, predictably suggesting it’s about “white” men. But instead of going over and ranting at them about it, why don’t you–seriously–go talk some common sense into them instead?

You might, for example, tell them obvious things: that criticizing feminism isn’t hating women it’s criticizing an ideology, and that human rights should not be a zero-sum game and maybe they should stop acting like it is, and maybe they should stop the racist nonsense about this being about “white” men when it’s about all men and boys. Or maybe that they should stop acting as if this is about age when boys and men of all ages are affected, or that it’s about anything besides fundamental human rights for men and women alike? Just a suggestion.

Oh and by the way, to our good friends at the National Organization for Women? We’re glad you’ve noticed us. We know who you are and now you know who we are. Good. Now you know, and we know you know, and you know we know you know. We’re looking forward to chatting. Do you prefer camomile or Earl Grey tea? Can’t wait either way!

Our friends at NOW, as well as anyone who is convinced that men’s advocacy and activism is merely an internet phenomenon, might want to be aware that the days of gender-feminist bullying and censorship in academia are coming to an end, as men’s studies begins in earnest free of indoctrination about “The Patriarchy” and “rape culture.” Real academics are finally throwing off the shackles of misandrist ideology, as documented by Jim Muldoon.

In closing, tons of great stuff in the video section, by the way. I was particularly fond of what Correctrix had to say, and Kudi.

Am I the only one who thinks 2013 is going to be a fucking great year, or what? Giddyap!

*Update*: Hey, don’t miss the profile on Paul Elam in the Toronto Standard. Too bad Erika doesn’t stick around a little longer and get to know a few of us better.

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