The Dr. F Show – 8


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If you’re doing something else when the show is on you’re a twit. Period.

Twits miss out on an interview that will piss right the hell off a lot of people and some of them will be feminists. Seriously, this one is going to rename your town to “Chin-Wag City”.

Being not a twit you’ll tune in to ‘Post of the Week’ and oh that Loy Finly mangina has gone nuts again in the ‘Calls Corner’

There’s more of course, and only good people and not bad people are allowed to call into the show on 310 388 9709. It all starts at 8:00 Central Time US tonight.

That’s right,  the show is on so tell your date to “Get stuffed” because you’re sitting down to listen to the Dr. F Show and that’s bloody well that.


Show Page



[box type=”alert” icon=”none”]Producer’s Note:  Due to technical dificulties with Blogtalk Radio during the broadcast the show was unable to be stored in the archives.  Fortunately, our studious and resourceful producer, James Huff, was there to rescue the show from oblivion.  Having used his ability to record any incoming calls from the Skype-Blogtalk interface using third party programs, we have obtained a copy of the show.  It will be posted on You-Tube in the near future.[/box]

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